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The Legacy of 325 Ash

The Alpha Iota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta has long been an integral part of Greek Life on campus.  The tradition of leadership that began with our founding in 1907 continues today, with a member currently serving as President of the Student Association and members involved in the debate team, Investment Club, Ski Club, Fraternal Values Association, Engineers without Borders, Tau Beta Pi, Epsilon Tau Pi, and the volleyball and lacrosse clubs.


We have approximately 87 members who maintain an admirable 3.28 Chapter GPA. And despite the many challenges presented by the pandemic, the Chapter still managed to raise $1,000 for the American Red Cross in the last academic year.


As pleased as we are with the success of our undergraduate brothers, Phi Gamma Delta does face a challenge in the physical structure of our chapter home.  The accumulated wear-and-tear of almost 700 undergraduates since being rebuilt in 1983 has taken its toll.  To maintain the house in a safe and livable condition, and to remain competitive with new housing options and amenities provided by the university and by apartment complexes, we will need to significantly improve the existing living space, provide flexible spaces and upgrade systems (i.e., plumbing, electrical, HVAC, etc.) at 325 Ash.


The challenge is clear: to remain a competitive option in the Greek system, the chapter’s housing requires attention before it materially impacts the health and safety of our members and our recruitment effectiveness.

Graduate Input

In 2018, the Alpha Iota House corporation engaged the firm INVISION to help determine options for improving the chapter house for the undergraduates of today and tomorrow.  A group of graduates led by INVISION team member Eric Ritland (Alpha Iota, ’90), outlined three options to address the issues with the house and presented their recommendations at Pig Dinner in 2019.  These varied from a renovation to a renovation and reshape, to complete demolition of the existing structure and construction of an entirely brand-new home for Alpha Iota.


In 2021, our house corporation engaged Columns Studies to help determine the feasibility for funding each of the options and identifying the option most favored by Alpha Iota graduates.


Based on graduate feedback obtained during the feasibility study, and, importantly, initial philanthropic support from Alpha Iota graduates, it is clear that a renovation of our current chapter house along with a reshaping is the financially responsible course of action. In 2022 work began behind the scenes to create a campaign steering committee.

The Plan

Almost two years ago, we announced Legacy 325 Campaign to address the chapter house needs.  With leadership from our Honorary Chairman Dick McCormick ('61) and co-chairs Paul Boynton ('86) and Steve Caldwell ('86), our goal is to raise over $9.0 million dollars in support of this restoration and reshaping project.  We are pleased to share that as of the end of September 2024,  more than 160 graduate brothers have already committed more than $8.85 million in gifts towards this project!  Our construction costs are estimated to be similar, $8.2 million, however, we need $440,000 to pay off the mortgage, $350,000 to cover the construction interest costs, $150,000 for miscellaneous expenses and $500,000 for near term maintenance costs.  


You Are Needed

The success to-date is a powerful testament to the Phi Gamma Delta experience ... but we still have more to do!  This effort to build the legacy of Alpha Iota at Iowa State University depends upon all of us. Every investment in our effort to support our undergraduate brothers is extremely important and deeply appreciated. Each of us has been a part of the history of Alpha Iota Chapter and will certainly be part of its future. You have a chance today to participate in the next phase of our Chapter’s growth and success by joining other graduates in making an investment in our home at 325 Ash.


Please join your fellow graduate brothers in ensuring that this tradition endures and that Alpha Iota Chapter remains an active and steadfast supporter of academic pursuits, leadership enhancement, and Greek Life at Iowa State for generations to come.


In the illustrations below, you can see the latest (August 14, 2024) drawings and floor plans of the proposed renovations.  We're fortunate to have an experienced building committee lead by  J. Matt Alexander '79 who are committed to the highest quality, designed-to-purpose (fraternity house filled with teens and 20 somethings) construction.

The Design
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