How To Make A Gift
Thank you for supporting the Legacy 325 Campaign and our quest to keep the Fijis as the best fraternity at Iowa State!!!
It's easy and can be done in just two steps!
1. PLEDGE! If you are making a multi-year PLEDGE, please complete this form:
(if your are making a one time payment, skip to step #2)
To help you support this important project in a way that may be more meaningful than can be accomplished in a single year, gifts may be paid over a period of up to 5 years. Online pledge form: Alpha Iota Pledge. Traditional paper form (print and mail): Use this form .
2. PAY! Make your Payment. Make your one time payment or first payment (for a multi-year pledge) by one of three ways:
A. GIFTS directly to the Alpha Iota Association by Check:
When paying your multi-year pledge or a one-time gift, please feel free to send a check as our lowest cost and simplest payment method. Make your check payable to “Alpha Iota Association” and mailed to the Association's Treasurer, Brother Ron Westeen ('07):
Alpha Iota Association
c/o Ron Westeen
3107 NW Reinhart Drive
Ankeny, IA 50023
B. GIFTS directly to the Alpha Iota Association On-line via Credit Card or PayPal:
If you would like to make a recurring monthly or one-time gift online via a Credit Card or PayPal, you may do so via this secure PayPal site:
C. GIFTS to Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation (tax deductible):
Here is how to make a pledge or gift to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation.
Have questions? Feel free to contact a steering committee member or send an email to us at AphaIotaLegacy325@gmail.com.